Wednesday, 17 February 2016

February 17 Rishikesh Uttarakhand ( the Indian province where we are located. It is called a state here.)

I managed the very early start today, with the hot shower to help me over the freezing early morning yoga. We use blankets to survive. Today the yoga was dealing with the Kundalini energies of the different chakras, or energy centres. Quite unlike I have ever done before. Lots of mantra, sung, tons of breathing into the different chakras, combined with various asanas. We always do some meditation as part of our 1 3/4 hour practice. Today we were so quietly meditation, then an enormous crash as a monkey landed on the roof!! Often we meditate to the scratching sounds of pigeons that live in all the buildings here. I slept instead of doing the fire puja and after breakfast I slept most of the morning. The walking during the day ( mostly uphill here ) and 3 1/2 hours of daily yoga is quite hectic!! I am feeling positive changes in my body. So many breathing techniques every class: Uji -ee breath, ( ocean breath) kapalabati which is heavy exhalations combined with movement, and also alternate nostril breath. These are very powerful techniques, especially when combined with postures that are moving!!

A few minutes ago, the monkeys were fighting on the roof. They love the buildings as playgrounds. I also slept this afternoon. The yoga classes are quite intense, and I have to get to bed early for the very early morning start. No pics today.
 Above: taken yesterday actually as I was walking around Tapovan. View of Ganges from the top of the Hindu temple. Below: display seen from the top of the temple.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I can only imagine the spiritual and physical healing that will come from such dedicated practice.
